Tina Konstant - books and other things

How-To Books for Readers & Writers

49 Great Escapes from Writer's Block by Tina Konstant

One of the most frustrating words a writer dealing with writer’s block hears is: “It’s Not Real”. Or, even worse: “There’s No Such Thing… You’re Just Being Lazy”.

Oh, My Lord!! ARE YOU KIDDING!!!!!

Hell no. I’ve been there and done that, and I’ll tell you now: I worked more during those two years than I ever have. The trouble is, it was on the wrong thing. Writer’s Block isn’t about not being able to write. It’s about not being able to write what you want to write.

Writer’s Block is real, and you’re not lazy or crazy
If you feel you’re trapped in a box and can’t get out, here are 49 great escapes that might help. You may need a combination of several ideas outlined in this book, and it might take some time, so be patient.

What Writer’s Block Isn’t
Writer’s block doesn’t go away because you apply some cunning five-step technique. Chances are there’s something missing in your work, ideas, characters, or yourself as a human being. It’s up to you to work it out.

Unlike some careers, you don’t get to do a degree and then say, “Thank you very much, woopdidoo, I’m a bestselling author”. There’s an evolution in you that needs to take place for which there is no qualification. You need to become the person you need to be, to be the writer you want to be.

This takes time and effort. It takes patience and diligence. It takes a calm and peaceful approach to your journey. It takes looking in the mirror and not taking yourself so seriously.

Some strategies in this book are practical; some are more about your head space. Some appear more than once but are approached from a different direction. And some have a great deal to do not just with writer’s block but with becoming a better writer.

Since everyone is different and starts from a different place, the chapters have no order. Just whirl your finger above the table of contents and let it drop. Chances are, you’ll land on the idea or tool you need most.

Works in Progress…

From The Beginning: The Fireside Approach (how to write and publish your personal or family story) by Tina Konstant

Speed-Reading In A Week

The whole process in 5 easy steps. Speed-Reading in a Week is what it says on the tin:

  • Sunday: The five-step system
  • Monday: Speed reading
  • Tuesday: Remember what you read
  • Wednesday: Your eyes and effective reading
  • Thursday: Distractions and solutions
  • Friday: Reading different types of material for different reasons
  • Saturday: What next?
Speed-Reading in a Week by Tina Konstant

“Think before you speak. Read before you think.”

Fran Lebowitz

Teach Yourself Speed-Reading

“The ability to read, understand and remember material is crucial to anyone who wants to advance their career.

Written by Tina Konstant (that’s me), a leading expert on speed reading as both a coach and a practitioner, this book quickly teaches you the insider secrets you need to know to in order to quickly deal with large amounts of reading.

The highly motivational ‘in a week’ structure of the book provides seven straightforward chapters explaining the key points, and at the end, there are optional questions to ensure you have taken it all in. There are also cartoons and diagrams throughout, to help make this book a more enjoyable and effective learning experience.

So what are you waiting for? Let this book put you on the fast track to success!”

Teach Yourself Speed-Reading by Tina Konstant